Listening session

Hans Aussems (NL) upgraded his 2 303's to monoblocks with Dada Electronics' High-end boards. He wrote:
Hi, Stefaan,
Yesterday I visited an old friend after a long time. I know him since we studied Hobo and Fagot at the conservatorium. What we also have in common is our love for listening to music and audio equipment.
I took my 2 Quad 303 monoblocks to listen to them with with his vintage 7-ties Tannoy Dual-concentric speakers which are completely revised by a Tannoy-guru from the UK.
I have to say I was very impressed by those speakers! Despite of my Electrostat-ears this was a very pleasant experience. Many modern loudspeaker-builders could learn a lot from this.
After listening a while via my friend's Rega amplifier we connected the Quads. What a great sound!
The sound is tranquil at all times, without sharp edges or turbulence but with a lot of power and authority. What a dynamic can be realised with those speakers! We couldn't do anything else than listening to our music, stopping was not an option.
The Rega clearly was the lesser one, it did not have the fineness or the natural sound of the Quads.
At the end of the session we also compared with a tube-amplifier but this one had too much unrest, sharpness and distortion.
My friend is completely convinced now of what I knew already: the great capacities of the 303. You can soon expect a new order for a set of 303 Highend-boards.
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