Dada proudly announces the new 405 v2 High End boards
We also made some changes to the circuit itself. The Op Amp circuit is now a non inverting configuration. This reduces the noise to the excellent 606 level. We use a transistor to stabilize the power supply voltage of the op amp, this strongly reduces the switch off noise. The current source to drive Tr2 is also improved using a transistor instead of the capacitor in the original design. We also introduced extra power supply rail decoupling by means of electrolyte capacitors. All the electrolytes are decoupled with small film capacitors. For the critical capacitors we use polystyrene audio grade capacitors. The current limiters are optional. But the layout faults in the current limiting circuit concerning the position of the class A stage are solved. So the Class A stage Psu rails are not modulated by the dumper currents anymore. The current dumping bridge is rearranged and has the same layout as in the excellent 606 designs.