Finetuning the 303-boards

We tried out some alternative components on the Dada-JPE 303 boards.
- The trimmer-pots were replaced with Bourns 25 turn pots that will make a more precise calibration possible
- The resitors in the endstage were replaced with high-recision 0,3 Ohm 1% 5W resistances
Joost also made a board with reduced current-limiting (3 diodes for MR105/106).
The results are excellent!
Maximum power at full load (both channels with the Dada-JPE PSU board):
50W/8Ohm 28W/4Ohm (normal version)
52W/8Ohm 81W/4Ohm (high-current version)
The - 1dBV points are between 27Hz and 27KHz in both versions at full load.
Stefaan & Joost