Vintage Hifi FAQ about ... ?

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You are lightning fast tonight ;-)
- Jean-François (Belgium) asked:
Q: "Concernant les cables HP : quels genre de cables conviennent le mieux au Quad ? (HP Advent Legacy 8ohms) Ces cables sont des résistances..donc, il vaut mieux qu'ils soient de même longueur ? (mais pas de boucles ?)"
About the Loudspeaker cables: what kind of cables are best for the Quad amps? (I use HP Advent Legacy 8 ohm). Those cables are restistances... so they should be the same length for both channels ? (but not have any nods ?)
A: All cables are restistances indeed and at the same time they are capacitors. Some universities are experimenting with the "perfect" conductor so within 50 years we'll maybe have the perfect speaker-cable ?-)
The output of the Quad 405 at maximum undistorted output volume is around 4 Ampère @ 32 Volt into your 8 Ohm speakers.
This means the cables do not have to be excessively thick. To keep the resistance as low as possible they should be as short as possible of course and use a high-quality conductor inside (copper will do fine).
They don't have to be exactly the same length for both channels. The impedance of the cables is supposed to be very low compared to the impedance of the speakers. Except if the left channel cable is 1 meter and the right-channel cable 50 meters I would not care about it.
Nods are no big problem neither as the frequencies between the amp and the speakers are below 20 Khz. Just don't put 20 meters on a roll ;-)
I would say: Buy good quality Loudspeaker-cable but don't pay more than 2 Euro per meter. Keep them as short as possible. Don't believe the "High End" salesperson who tries to make you afraid of all kinds of problems you will have if you don't buy his 200 Euro leads.