Free Quad schematics, service notes, manuals

Dada Electronics & Quad Spot have a great collection of Quad documents. They are all public domain so you can get them for free. Just send an e-mail to and we'll reply with the document you need attached.
Every week we add new documents in the library. If you have a document that is not in the list, please help us by mailing it and we'll put it in the list below.
What we have:
- Diagrams for 33, 34, 44, 240, 303, 306, 405, 50E, 50D, 510, 520, 520F, 606, CD66, 707, 909, FM1, Multiplex Decoder, FM2, FM3, FM4, ESL57, ESL63, Quad II 40
- User Manuals for 33,34, 44, 306, 405, 50E, 240, 510, 520, 520F, 66, 707, 99 series, 909, FM1, MD, FM2, FM3, FM4, ESL57, ESL63
- Service Instructions for 33, 34, 44, 303, 306, 405, 606, CD66, FM3, FM4, ESL57, ESL63, Quad II 40
- Most of the other manuals for vintage Quad tube equipment, ask!
I wonder they would have any Quad documentation Quad Spot doesn't.
Even Huntingdon asked for some old schematics.
Looking for a schematic for a 99-CDP-2. Tray won't open, no voltage on tray motor. I've been a tech for 30 years now, so I'm not a hack.
Keith from Canada
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